119 résultats


Software licensesTP épistémologie 2021Webinaires hivernaux 2021Séance d'information sur les modalités d'examens 2021Partages d'expérience en enseignementSS417005 MOM Videos Ateliers en Pédagogie Universitaire


Free Software, Free Culture, and Licenses

Intellectual property of sofware

TP épistémologie-GMT2021-05-17T14:12:36Z

TP épistémologie-GMT2021-03-01T15:09:09Z

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Séance d'information sur les modalités d'examens session mai/juin 2021

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Beekee Live : une plateforme interactive swiss made pour rendre ses étudiantes et ses étudiants plus actifs

Rendre son cours ou son TP hybride et comodal grâce à des vidéos d’apprentissage et des systèmes électroniques d’interaction

Faire interagir ses étudiant-es en cours et former des groupes de travail motivants autant en présence qu’à distance

Metals - FT - London Metal Exchange debates its future

Metals - LME - Inside Europe's last physical trading floor

Metals - LME - What is hedging

Metals - LME - Hedging, reference prices and physical delivery

Metals - LME - What are futures and options

Metals - LME - Why warehouses and brands are important

Metals - LME - Introducing the LME

Metals - LME - The history of the London Metal Exchange

Metals - LME - Trading on the LME

Metals - LME - How price discovery works

Metals - Nickel a Rock star

Metals - Nickel Powering Batteries

Metals - Lead Battery Recycling Process

Metals - Tin for Tomorrow

Metals - Tin in Green Technologies

Metals - Tin for the Future - London Tin Seminar 2020

Metals - Zinc Process Animation

Metals - Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mining complex Mongolia

Metals - Resolution Copper Mine

Metals - DW - Copper Production in Chile

Metals - Copper Mining and Refining (Redox)

Metals - Glencore - Koniambo Nickel New Caledonia

Metals - Vale - Base metals mining processing

Metals - Vale - Open Pit Mining

Metals - Vale - Underground Mining

Metals - FT - Vale in spotlight after Samarco mine disaster

Metals - Outokumpu Tornio Works - From Chrome Ore to Stainless Steel

Metals - How are aluminium cans recycled

Metals - CNBC - Rare earths

Metals - FT - China's control of rare earths

Metals - The Aluminium Story 1 - The Metal

Metals - The Aluminium Story 2 - Strong & Light

Metals - The Aluminium Story 3 - Recycling

Metals - Aluminium enables green electric future mobility

Energy - Coal mining

Metals - Corus - Steel Manufacturing HD

Metals - Hard Coking Coal

Energy - Noble - Coal pipeline

Metals - ArcelorMittal Dofasco Coke Plant

Energy - Black Thunder Coal Mine

Energy - Rio Tinto - Kestrel coal

Metals - BBC Top Gear - Racing in Frances Creek Iron Ore Mine

Metals - BBC This World - How China fooled the world

Metals - HSW - Ore to Steel

Metals - BBC Hard Talk - On the Road in Australia The Mining Business

Metals - ABC-Iron Ore Price Negotiation-01-Jul-09.mp4

Metals - Alcoa - Alumina Refining.mp4

Metals - Alcoa - Bauxite Mining.mp4

Metals - Alcoa - Can Sheet.mp4

Metals - Alcoa - It all starts with Dirt.m4v

Metals - Alcoa - Production Video.mp4

Metals - Alcoa in Jamaica.mp4

Metals - Aluminium recycling - How it works by Norsk Hydro.mp4

Metals - ArcelorMittal Châtelet Site Stainless Steel Production Process.mp4

Metals - ArcelorMittal Site de Marchin (French).mp4

Metals - BBC - Rare Earths (Power of Asia).m4v

Metals - BBC Panorama The Copper Ring.mp4

Metals - BIR - Rare earths.mp4

Metals - Carajas Railway (Vale).mp4

Metals - Codelco - Producción de Cobre (Spanish).mp4

Metals - CME - Gold as an Investment.mp4

Metals - CME - Gold Fundamentals.mp4

Metals - CME - Gold Trading Techniques.mp4

Metals - CME - Precious Metals and Crude Oil Markets [Precious only].mp4

Metals - CME - Precious Metals and Crude Oil Markets.mp4

Metals - CME - Precious Metals Markets.mp4

Metals - Copper mining in Zambia.mp4

Metals - Corus [0] Steelmaking [Full].mp4

Metals - How It's Made - Aluminum.mp4

Metals - How It's Made - Copper.mp4

Metals - HSW Aluminium.mp4

Metals - HSW Aluminum Foil.mp4

Metals - HSW BF steelmaking.m4v

Metals - HSW EAF steelmaking.m4v

Metals - ITN - Rare earths [07-Dec-09].mp4

Metals - London Metal Exchange.mp4

Metals - Mine in the Sky Copper and gold mine in Indonesia.mp4

Metals - Noble - Iron ore pipeline.mp4

Metals - Rio Tinto - Comalco.m4v

Metals - Rio Tinto - Exploration.m4v

Metals - Rio Tinto - Hamersley Iron Ore.m4v

Metals - Rio Tinto - Kennecott copper.m4v

Metals - Rio Tinto - Life of a mine.m4v

Metals - Rio Tinto - Northparkes copper mine.m4v

Metals - Rio Tinto Alcan.mp4

Metals - Simandou Rio Tinto.mp4

Metals - Stainless steel self-repairing.mp4

Metals - Stainless steel.mp4

Metals - US Steel - Steel From Start to Finish.mp4

Metals - Vale - Carajas Railway.mp4

Metals - Worldsteel - Steelmaking.mp4

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Zoom et forum

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